




また、がんを理解し患者を支援するための知識やケア、個別の援助などを求めて米国国立癌研究所(NCI)がん情報サービスへ照会する方法も紹介されています。NCIのがん情報スペシャリストは、電話相談(1-800-4-CANCER)やLiveHelpによるがんに関する相談に答えるための研修を受けたスタッフです。無料で質問を受け付けています(英語:http://w­ww.cancer.gov/help?cid=YTncigov) またはNCIウェブサイト(英語:http://www.cancer.gov?cid=YTncigov)へ。ナレーターのシンディ・ローラーさんは、NCIのコミュニ­ケション室で働いています。




One daughter’s emotional story of wading into the rising flood of information about her mother’s stage III ovarian cancer diagnosis. The story illustrates the difficult but important role family members can play in helping a loved one make informed cancer treatment decisions, including the possibility of a clinical trial. The story also describes how to contact the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Information Service for knowledgeable, caring, and personalized help in understanding cancer and available resources. NCI’s cancer information specialists are trained to answer cancer-related questions by telephone (1-800-4-CANCER), LiveHelp instant messaging, and e-mail (http://www.cancer.gov/contact?cid=YTncigov). There is no charge or fee for the service, which is provided in English (http://www.cancer.gov/help?cid=YTncigov) or Spanish (http://www.cancer.gov/espanol/contactenos?cid=YTncigov). You can also visit the NCI Web site at http://www.cancer.gov?cid=YTncigov .The storyteller, Cindy Lollar, works in communications at the National Cancer Institute.


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